Plot: Champions Online is a free-to-play superhero-themed massively multiplayer online role-playing game by former City of Heroes/Villains developer Cryptic Studios based on the Champions license. The game's rules and setting are loosely based on the HERO System ruleset. The game has been released for Microsoft...
Plot: Temple Run 2 is an endless running video game developed and published by Imangi Studios. A sequel to Temple Run, the game was produced, designed and programmed by husband and wife team Keith Shepherd and Natalia Luckyanova, with art by Kiril Tchangov. Wikipedia
Plot: Imperia Online is a persistent, browser-based, massively multiplayer, online real-time strategy game developed by the Bulgarian game production company Imperia Online JSC. It was originally released on August 23, 2005. Set in a Medieval world, Imperia Online is a predominantly militaristic strategy...