Plot: King's Bounty: Legions is a social, turn-based strategy video game developed jointly by Nival and KranX Productions. It is based on the strategy game King's Bounty: The Legend, which is itself based on concepts from the much older King's Bounty developed in 1990 by New World Computing. Wikipedia
Plot: Mushroom Wars is a real-time strategy video game developed by Creat Studios, originally available for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network. This version was released on October 15, 2009. On January 24, 2013 it has been released for the iPad on the iTunes Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Heroes of Gaia, known in the separate European version as Castle of Heroes, is a massively multiplayer online fantasy browser-based strategy game developed by the Chinese developer Snail Games and published in the United States by its U.S. publishing division, Snail Games USA. Wikipedia