Plot: Backstreet Billiards, known in Japan as Carom Shot 2, is a video game released for PlayStation. It is the sequel to the 1997 video game Carom Shot, which was released only in Japan for PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9, known in Japan as Beltlogger 9, and in Europe as BRAHMA Force, is a video game developed by Genki for the PlayStation in 1996-1998. It was announced by Genki as the official successor to their Kileak series. Wikipedia
Plot: Pocket MuuMuu is a 3D action game for the Sony PlayStation. It was developed by Sugar and Rockets and published by Sony Computer Entertainment and released exclusively in Japan in 1999. It is a spin-off game in the Jumping Flash! series. The game requires use of the Sony PocketStation peripheral. Wikipedia...
Plot: Robbit Mon Dieu, sometimes referred to as Jumping Flash! 3, is a 3D platform game for the Sony PlayStation. It was developed by Sugar & Rockets and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation in Japan on October 14, 1999. It is the third and final game in the Jumping Flash! series....