Plot: Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle, known in Japan as Kinnikuman Generations, is a PlayStation 2 game produced by Bandai and released in 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Tag Team Match: M.U.S.C.L.E. is based on characters from Yudetamago's manga and anime series Kinnikuman. It has eight playable characters, each with his own special move. The game was followed by a 1987 Japan-only sequel for the Famicom Disk System titled Kinnikuman: Kinniku-sei Ōi Sōdatsusen. Wikipedia...
Plot: Kat's Run: All Japan K-Car Championship is a racing video game, published by Atlus, which was released exclusively in Japan in 1995. As the title implies, the playable vehicles are all kei cars. There are two playable modes: Street race and V.S. race, which has four selectable courses. Wikipedia
Plot: Onita Atsushi FMW is a wrestling video game for Super Famicom. It was released on August 6, 1993 to an exclusively Japanese audience with an endorsement by Japanese professional wrestler Atsushi Onita. Wikipedia