Plot: The King of Fighters is a series of fighting games by SNK that began with the release of The King of Fighters '94 in 1994. The series was developed originally for SNK's Neo Geo MVS arcade hardware. This served as the main platform for the series until 2004 when SNK retired it in favor of the Atomiswave...
Plot: Final Fight is a series of beat 'em up video games by Capcom, which began with the arcade release of Final Fight in 1989. Set in the fictional Metro City, the games focus on a group of heroic vigilantes who fights against the control and various threats of criminal gangs, primarily the Mad Gear Gang...
Plot: Shadow Fighter is a computer game for the Commodore Amiga, and Amiga CD32 developed by NAPS team and published by Gremlin Interactive in 1994, and became one of the Amiga's best fighting game offerings ... Wikipedia