Plot: Kidz Sports is a series of 4 games developed by Data Design Interactive between 2004 and 2008. The games are Kidz Sports Basketball, Kidz Sports Ice Hockey, Kidz Sports International Soccer, and Kidz Sports Crazy Mini Golf. The games were generally critically panned. Wikipedia
Plot: Mini Desktop Racing is a racing video game published by Metro 3D and developed by Data Design Interactive. It was released on PC and PlayStation 2 formats in July 2005. A Wii version was released in Australia on 22 November 2007, and 23 November 2007 in Europe and North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Monster Trux: Arenas is a video game for the Wii console. It was created by Data Design Interactive, a budget developer. The Wii Wheel is compatible with the game. On PlayStation 2 a Special Edition was released. Wikipedia