Plot: Golden Nugget Casino DS is a 2005 video game developed by American studio Skyworks Interactive and released by Majesco Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The game, named for the Las Vegas casino of the same name, is the first Golden Nugget themed game released for the DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Totally Spies! 2: Undercover is a 2006 video game developed by Canadian studio Mistic Software based on the French anime-influenced animated television series Totally Spies!. This game was published by Atari, and was released for the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Brain Buster Puzzle Pak known in Japan as Nemurenai Yoru to Puzzle no Hi ni wa..., is a puzzle video game released for Nintendo DS in Japan, North America, and the PAL region. The game is a compilation of Nikoli puzzle games including Light Up, Slitherlink, Sudoku, Nurikabe, and Kakuro. Wikipedia
Plot: Sudokuro is a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS created by American studio FRONTLINE Studios Inc. and published by Crave Entertainment. It features two puzzle games: Sudoku and Kakuro. Each game features three levels of difficulty. Answers can be entered by writing them with the stylus or using buttons...
Plot: Best of Tests DS is an educational video game released for Nintendo DS in North America on March 4, 2008. The game intends to present tests and puzzles that will help stimulate one's Intelligent Quotient or IQ through five categories: logic, observation, memory, speed of perception and analysis. Wikipedia...
Plot: Puchi Puchi Virus is a video game developed by Nippon Ichi which was released in Japan on July 5, 2007 and in North America on May 19, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Prism: Light the Way is a two-dimensional puzzle video game by British company Morpheme Game Studios. In the game, the player, with the help of Bulboids that emit light beams, must direct the correct color of light into the Glowbos. Wikipedia
Plot: Blades of Thunder 2, also sold as Battle Hawks 2, is a flight simulator game developed by Interactive Visison A/S's Polish studio and published by Summitsoft Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. It was released on April 18, 2006 in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Essential Sudoku DS is a puzzle video game developed by Essential Games and published by D3 for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. It contains two types of puzzle: picture, which are nonograms, and number, which are sudoku puzzles. Wikipedia
Plot: Crayola Treasure Adventure is a video game based on the Crayola company line of crayons developed by Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The player is a person lost on an island searching for treasure, with only a map and crayons. Wikipedia
Plot: Pet Alien: An Intergalactic Puzzlepalooza is a puzzle game developed by Shin'en Multimedia and published by The Game Factory, released on July 30, 2007 in North America for the Nintendo DS. It is based on the television series Pet Alien. It was also released in Europe on September 14, 2007. Wikipedia...