Plot: Imperia Online is a persistent, browser-based, massively multiplayer, online real-time strategy game developed by the Bulgarian game production company Imperia Online JSC. It was originally released on August 23, 2005. Set in a Medieval world, Imperia Online is a predominantly militaristic strategy...
Plot: Ikariam is a browser-based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by Gameforge AG. The game is set in the era of classical Greece in an archipelago, with players being made ruler of a small town, which they must expand and lead. Ikariam has received generally...
Plot: Nemexia is a browser-based, massive multi-player online space strategy game. Each player can choose from one of three races and develop their powerful space empire. With the assistance of their friends they can conquer the Universe by constructing the Supreme Starway Gate. Wikipedia
Plot: Supremacy 1914 is a player real-time strategy browser game created and published by German studio Bytro Labs, in which the player manages one of the countries in the world during World War I. Wikipedia