Plot: NeocoreGames is a Hungarian video game developer that focuses on creating and publishing role-playing video games. The company has their own development studio that is headquartered in Budapest, and the video games developed at NeocoreGames are created using their custom-built game engine named Coretech...
Plot: EA Digital Illusions CE AB is a Swedish video game developer based in Stockholm. The company was founded in 1992 and has been a subsidiary of Electronic Arts since 2006. Its releases include the Battlefield, Mirror's Edge and Star Wars Battlefront series. Wikipedia
Plot: Studio FOW is a pornographic production company based in North America. Known for the production of animated films featuring video game characters, the studio's content can be described as computer-animated hardcore rape pornography, often in a high fantasy setting. Wikipedia
Plot: The Illusion series, known in Japan as I Love Mickey Mouse, is a series of platforming video games developed and published by Sega for its consoles Master System, Sega Genesis and Game Gear. The series follows the adventures of Disney's cartoon character Mickey Mouse between various fantasy worlds....
Plot: AliceSoft was established in 1989, as an eroge developer and publisher for the computer market, first for the PC-88 and PC-98, and later for PCs running Microsoft Windows platforms. Its first titles were Rance and Intruder, released simultaneously in July 1989. Wikipedia