Plot: American Idol is a music rhythm video game developed by Hothouse Creations and published by Codemasters for PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Advance. It is based on the reality talent show franchise Idol. Wikipedia
Plot: Karaoke Revolution and its many sequels are video games for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, GameCube, Wii, Xbox, and Xbox 360, developed by Harmonix and Blitz Games and published by Konami in its Bemani line of music games. Wikipedia
Plot: Get On Da Mic is a video game for the PlayStation 2 published by Eidos and co-developed by Canadian studio A2M and Highway 1 Productions. Unlike the many other singing games available for the PlayStation 2, this game focuses exclusively on Hip-Hop songs. Wikipedia
Plot: Tak and the Guardians of Gross is a platform video game developed by Blitz Games and published by THQ for Wii and PlayStation 2 in 2008. It is the fourth title in the Tak series following Tak: The Great Juju Challenge. Wikipedia
Plot: EyeToy: Operation Spy is a PlayStation 2 game which uses the EyeToy camera peripheral to detect player movements. The main objective of the game is to guard a room from an intruder. Unique features include new face recognition technology, new video messaging, and interactive missions. Wikipedia
Plot: Lips: Party Classics is a karaoke video game for the Xbox 360, and the second follow-up to the original Lips. The game was developed by iNiS and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Wikipedia