Plot: Fight Fever is a 1994 2D fighting video game for the Neo-Geo MVS System. It is the first Korean Neo Geo title ever officially released, as well as the first game developed and released by Korean publisher of SNK games, Viccom. A port for the Neo Geo CD was also showcased but never released. Wikipedia...
Plot: Guardian War is a console RPG or tactical role-playing game released for the 3DO console. It is notable for its use of 3-D animation which was uncommon for console RPGs at the time. It is also known as Powers Kingdom in Japan and Europe, and is one of the few 3DO games which is region-protected. Wikipedia...
Plot: Immercenary is a 1995 role-playing shooter video game developed by Five Miles Out and published by Electronic Arts in North America and Japan exclusively for the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. Wikipedia
Plot: Escape from Monster Manor is a first-person shooter survival horror video game developed by Studio 3DO and published by Electronic Arts exclusively for the 3DO. Wikipedia
Plot: VR Stalker is a combat flight simulator video game developed by Morpheus Interactive and originally published by American Laser Games for the 3DO. Wikipedia
Plot: Flying Nightmares is a video game developed by American studio Lifelike Productions and published by Domark for the Power Macintosh, one of the first ever commercial PPC native games. It was also ported to the 3DO. Wikipedia
Plot: Burning Soldier is a 1994 rail shooter video game developed by Genki and originally published by Panasonic and Pack-In-Video in North America, Japan and Europe exclusively for the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. Wikipedia