Plot: HBO Boxing is a video game developed by Osiris Studios and published by Acclaim Entertainment under its Acclaim Sports label for the PlayStation in 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Knockout Kings 2000 is a video game developed by Black Ops Entertainment and published by EA Sports for the PlayStation and Nintendo 64. Wikipedia
Plot: Killing Zone is a fighting video game developed by Scarab and published by Naxat Soft in March 1996 in Japan and by Acclaim in both July 1996 in North America, and September 1996 in Europe and Oceania, for the Sony PlayStation platform. The game was met with a poor critical reception. Wikipedia
Plot: Irritating Stick, also known as Ucchan Nanchan no HonΕ no Challenger: Dengeki Iraira Bou Returns, is a PlayStation video game published by Jaleco Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9, known in Japan as Beltlogger 9, and in Europe as BRAHMA Force, is a video game developed by Genki for the PlayStation in 1996-1998. It was announced by Genki as the official successor to their Kileak series. Wikipedia
Plot: Bases Loaded '96: Double Header is a 1995 sports video game released for the Sega Saturn and the Sony PlayStation. This game was the eighth and final game in the Bases Loaded series and the only one developed internally by Jaleco, after Tose had developed the previous seven installments. Wikipedia