Plot: Heavy Rain is a 2010 interactive drama and action-adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game features four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial murderer who uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims...
Plot: Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive drama and action-adventure game for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Windows, developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was originally released on 8 October 2013, later being re-released for the PlayStation 4 on 24 November 2015...
Plot: The Nomad Soul is an adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Eidos Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows in 1999 and Dreamcast in 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Fahrenheit is an action-adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Atari, Inc. for Microsoft Windows, Xbox, and PlayStation 2 in September 2005. The plot follows Lucas Kane, a man who commits murder while supernaturally possessed, and two police detectives investigating the case. Wikipedia...
Plot: Final Fantasy VII Remake is a 2020 action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix. It is the first in a planned series of games remaking the 1997 PlayStation game Final Fantasy VII. Set in the dystopian cyberpunk metropolis of Midgar, players control mercenary Cloud Strife. Wikipedia...
Plot: Wipeout Omega Collection is a video game compilation developed by XDev, Clever Beans and Creative Vault Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4. The compilation includes remasters of two entries in the series: Wipeout HD, along with its Wipeout HD Fury expansion...
Plot: Dreams is a game creation system developed by Media Molecule and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4, which released on 14 February 2020. It includes Art's Dream, a game developed in Dreams by said company, with access to other games and user-generated content. Wikipedia...
Plot: Terminator: Resistance is a 2019 first-person shooter video game developed by Teyon and published by Reef Entertainment for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. It is based on the Terminator franchise, set during the original future war depicted in the films The Terminator and Terminator...