Plot: Girls Like Robots is a game developed by American studio Popcannibal for multiple platforms and published initially on iOS by Adult Swim on October 11, 2012. It is a puzzle game about seating arrangements. Wikipedia
Plot: Super House of Dead Ninjas is a platform game developed by Megadev and published by Adult Swim Games for Microsoft Windows in 2013. The game is available as a freeware browser game on the Adult Swim website and in an expanded paid version on Steam. Wikipedia
Plot: Jetpack Joyride is a 2011 side-scrolling endless runner action video game created by Halfbrick Studios. It was released for iOS devices on the App Store on September 1, 2011, and has been ported to other systems. Wikipedia
Plot: Robot Unicorn Attack is an online endless running video game featured on the Adult Swim and Flashline Games website. The game was produced by American studio Spiritonin Media Games and was released on February 4, 2010. Wikipedia