Plot: Jazzpunk is an adventure video game developed by Necrophone Games and published by Adult Swim Games. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux in February 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Thirty Flights of Loving is a first-person adventure video game developed by Brendon Chung's indie video game studio, Blendo Games. It was released in August 2012 for Microsoft Windows, and in November 2012 for OS X. Wikipedia
Plot: The Stanley Parable is an interactive drama and walking simulator designed and written by developers Davey Wreden and William Pugh. The game carries themes such as choice in video games, the relationship between a game creator and player and predestination/fate. Wikipedia
Plot: Firewatch is an adventure game developed by Campo Santo and published by the developer in partnership with Panic. The game was released in February 2016 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, and PlayStation 4, for Xbox One in September 2016, and for Nintendo Switch in December 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Quake is a series of first-person shooter video games, developed by id Software and, as of 2010, published by Bethesda Softworks. The series is composed of the eponymous game from 1996 and its nonlinear, standalone sequels which vary in setting and plot. Wikipedia