Plot: Eco Fighters, known in Japan as Ultimate Ecology, is an arcade game released by Capcom on the CPS-2 arcade system board on March 1994. The game is a horizontal shooter, where the player controls a ship with a rotating gun. As suggested by both its titles, the game has an eco-friendly theme. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting, or simply Mars Matrix, is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game developed by Takumi in 2000. The game was published by Capcom and run on their CPS-2 arcade system board. Mars Matrix was later ported to the Dreamcast video game console in 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiiro-chō no Kiseki is a Japanese video game developed by Capcom. The game is a hybrid of a quiz game and a dating sim. It was released in 1996 originally for the arcade game running on the CP System II platform, and was then released for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn systems...
Plot: Progear is a 2001 horizontally scrolling bullet hell arcade video game developed by CAVE and published by Capcom for the CP System II board. Wikipedia
Plot: 1944: The Loop Master is a vertical scrolling shooter scrolling arcade game made by Capcom in 2000 that uses a horizontal 4:3 screen. Unlike previous games, the programming for this arcade was done by a separate company called 8ing/Raizing. Wikipedia
Plot: Dimahoo is a medieval-themed manic shooter video game developed by 8ing/Raizing and published by Capcom for the arcades in 2000. It was released in Japan as Great Mahou Daisakusen. It is a sequel to 1993's Sorcer Striker and 1994's Kingdom Grand Prix. The game's soundtrack was published by Suleputer...
Plot: 19XX: The War Against Destiny is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game released by Capcom in 1995. The story takes place before a fictional 20th century war as a lone pilot tries to defeat an entire army and evil organization from starting another World War, which soon escalates to a nuclear apocalypse...
Plot: Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom, published in 1994, is the first of two arcade games created by Capcom based on the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing game and set in the Mystara campaign setting. It is a side scrolling beat 'em up with some role-playing video game elements for one to four...