Plot: Jackie Chan Adventures is a video game based upon the animated series Jackie Chan Adventures. The Game Boy Advance game, entitled Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand, was developed by Torus Games, published by Activision, and released in 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels: Burnin' Rubber is a 2001 racing video game developed by Altron and published by THQ for the Game Boy Advance. The game is based on the Hot Wheels toy series. Wikipedia
Plot: Boxing Fever is a boxing video game developed by Digital Fiction and published by Majesco Entertainment for the Game Boy Advance. It was released in North America on October 30, 2001, and in Europe on February 15, 2002. Boxing Fever is a first person boxing game, portrayed from the perspective of the...
Plot: ESPN Final Round Golf 2002 is a golf video game developed and published by Konami. It was released in North America on August 28, 2001. In Europe it was known as simply ESPN Final Round Golf. Wikipedia