Plot: Titanic: Honor and Glory is a video game currently under development by Vintage Digital Revival, also known as Four Funnels Entertainment. The game is expected to feature the most accurate digital representation of the RMS Titanic to date, as well as a model of the city of Southampton in 1912. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dust: A Tale of The Wired West is a computer game made for the PC and the Macintosh. It was released on June 30, 1995 and was produced by Cyberflix and published by GTE Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: NiBiRu: Age of Secrets is a 2005 adventure game developed by Future Games and published by The Adventure Company. According to Future's Martin Malik, it sold roughly 200,000 units by 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Aura: Fate of the Ages is an adventure-genre computer game created by Canadian studio Streko-Graphics Inc. and published by The Adventure Company. In 2007, Streko-Graphics Inc. released the second chapter, Aura II: The Sacred Rings, which continues the story of the first game. Wikipedia
Plot: Skull Cracker is a 1996 supernatural beat 'em up video game developed by American studio CyberFlix and published by GTE Entertainment on Macintosh and Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Atlantis: The Lost Tales is a 1997 fantasy adventure video game developed and published by Cryo Interactive. Interplay Productions published the game in North America, where it released on September 30, 1997. The game is named after its initial and most important setting, Atlantis. Wikipedia
Plot: The 11th Hour is a 1995 interactive movie puzzle adventure game with a horror setting. It is the sequel to the 1993 game The 7th Guest. A 3DO Interactive Multiplayer was planned but never released. Wikipedia
Plot: Jump Raven was the second game released by Cyberflix, in 1994. The game's technology is similar to that of Lunicus, released by Cyberflix one year prior, but this time employs a more detailed storyline and environment. Wikipedia
Plot: Starship Titanic is an adventure game developed by The Digital Village and published by Simon & Schuster Interactive. It was released in April 1998 for Microsoft Windows and in March 1999 for Apple Macintosh. Wikipedia
Plot: Ether One is a first-person adventure game developed by British independent company White Paper Games. It was the studio's debut game and was originally released for Microsoft Windows on 25 March 2014. A PlayStation 4 edition was released on 5 May 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Lunicus is a 1993 computer game developed by Cyberflix and published by Paramount Interactive. It shares many traits in both graphical style and gameplay with some of Cyberflix's other games, like Jump Raven. It was rated as 1993 CD-ROM game of the year in the magazine MacWorld. Wikipedia
Plot: Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. is an American video game developer based in Irvine, California. It was founded in June 2003, shortly before the closure of Black Isle Studios, by ex-Black Isle employees Feargus Urquhart, Chris Avellone, Chris Parker, Darren Monahan, and Chris Jones. Wikipedia