Plot: Itadaki Street DS is a Nintendo DS video game released exclusively in Japan in 2007. It features characters from the Dragon Quest series and the Mario series. It has a sequel called Fortune Street which was released for the Wii.
Plot: Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special, also known as Itadaki Street Special, is a board game released by Square Enix in 2004 and exclusive to Japan. This entry in the Fortune Street series has characters from both Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, formerly known in America as Dragon...
Plot: Fortune Street is a party video game series originally created by Dragon Quest designer Yuji Horii. It is currently owned by Square Enix and Kadokawa. The first game was released in Japan on Nintendo's Famicom console in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Planet Laika is a role-playing video game developed by Quintet and Zeque for the PlayStation home game console. The game follows the main character, Laika, through a mission to Mars which forces the player to manipulate Laika's multiple-personality disorder in order to solve puzzles. Wikipedia
Plot: Murder on the Eurasia Express is an interactive movie and adventure video game developed by System Sacom and published by Enix for the PlayStation in 1998. It was released exclusively in Japan and is the first game in the Cinema Active series, followed later by Love Story on the PlayStation 2. Wikipedia...
Plot: Rakugaki Showtime is a 1999 fighting game for the PlayStation developed by Treasure and published by Enix. It is a full 3D battle arena fighting game, featuring characters that resemble crayon drawings. It was only released in Japan. Wikipedia