Plot: Stone Sling is the 20th official game released by Philips for the Videopac console. In the United States, it was published under the title Smithereens! in 1982 for the Magnavox Odyssey² console. Wikipedia
Plot: Cosmic Conflict from 1978 is the 11th official game released for the Philips Videopac console. The game is a 2D shooter that allowed one or more players along with one choosable skill level to play. Wikipedia
Plot: Crazy Chase is cartridge number 44 in the official Philips line of games for the Philips Videopac. The North American version for the Magnavox Odyssey² was called K.C.'s Krazy Chase!, an inside reference to then president of Philips Consumer Electronics Kenneth C. Menkin. It is a sequel to K.C. Munchkin...
Plot: Pickaxe Pete is a platform game released as cartridge number 43 for the Philips Videopac console. It was published in North America for the Magnavox Odyssey² as Pick Axe Pete!. In Brazil, Pickaxe Pete was re-branded as Didi na Mina Encantada for the Odyssey. Wikipedia