Plot: Inuyasha: Feudal Combat is a 3D computer graphics fighting game for the PlayStation 2 based on the Inuyasha manga and anime series. Bandai planned to release this video game on August 16, 2005 in North America, but it was postponed to August 24 due to the Miyagi earthquake. It was released in Japan...
Plot: Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel is a role-playing video game for the Nintendo DS. It was developed by Art Co., Ltd and Frontier Groove, Inc., published by Namco Bandai Games, and released in North America on January 23, 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale is a 2D fighting game based on the manga and anime series Inuyasha. It consists of battles and minigames in an effort to retrieve shards of the sacred Jewel of Four Souls, essentially following the overall plot of the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Intellivision Lives! is a compilation of over 60 Intellivision video games, originally produced by Mattel Electronics and INTV Corporation between 1978 and 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: MS Saga: A New Dawn The Legend of the Lost G, is a role-playing game for the PlayStation 2 console based on the Gundam franchise. The game was designed to be accessible to a general audience unfamiliar with Gundam. The MS in the title refers to the iconic Mobile Suit that features in the series. Wikipedia...
Plot: 7 Blades is an action-adventure video game developed by Konami for the PlayStation 2 home game console. It was released in Japan on December 21, 2000 and in PAL regions on September 28, 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Air Ranger: Rescue Helicopter is a helicopter simulator video game released for the Sony PlayStation 2, developed by ASK Corporation and published by Midas Interactive Entertainment. The game was released on March 29, 2001 in Japan, and November 15, 2002 for Europe. The game was never released in North...