Plot: Final Fight is a series of beat 'em up video games by Capcom, which began with the arcade release of Final Fight in 1989. Set in the fictional Metro City, the games focus on a group of heroic vigilantes who fights against the control and various threats of criminal gangs, primarily the Mad Gear Gang...
Plot: Tekken was a mobile fighting game in the Tekken series developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It was released worldwide for Android and iOS on March 1, 2018. As of February 2019, the game can no longer be played. Wikipedia
Plot: The King of Fighters All Star is a beat 'em up role-playing game developed by Netmarble Games and published by SNK. It was first released in Japan on July 26, 2018 for the iOS and Android. Wikipedia
Plot: Tekken 3 is a fighting game, the third installment in the Tekken series. It was released in arcades in March 1997, and for the PlayStation in 1998. The original arcade version of the game was released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 as part of Tekken 5's Arcade History mode. Wikipedia