Plot: Parascientifc Escape: Cruise in the Distant Seas', is a visual novel adventure game developed by Intense. It was published for the Nintendo 3DS via the Nintendo eShop by Intense in Japan, and CIRCLE Entertainment in Western territories. It is the first entry in the Parascientific Escape series. Wikipedia...
Plot: Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars is a puzzle video game developed by Nintendo Software Technology and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. It is the sixth game in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, and the 200th ever video game featuring Mario. Wikipedia
Plot: Mega Man Zero Collection, released in Japan as Rockman Zero Collection, is a compilation of all four Mega Man Zero video games, which were originally released for the Game Boy Advance between 2002 and 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario Tennis Open is a Mario sports game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS. The game was developed by Camelot, which has produced most of the previous Mario Tennis titles. Wikipedia
Plot: Star Fox 64 3D is a video game for the Nintendo 3DS and is a remake of the 1997 video game Star Fox 64 for the Nintendo 64. It was co-developed by Nintendo EAD and Q-Games, and was published by Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, released in Japan as BlazBlue: Chronophantasma, is a 2-D fighting game developed by Arc System Works. It is the third game of the Blazblue series, set after the events of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. Wikipedia