Plot: Imperium Romanum is a 2008 video game for Microsoft Windows developed by Haemimont Games and published by Kalypso Media. The game is a city-building game where players are governor of a province and must build and maintain a thriving and prosperous settlement. The game takes place during the time of...
Plot: Glory of the Roman Empire is a 2006 city-building video game set during the age of the Roman Empire, developed by Haemimont Games. The game features a three-dimensional game engine and individual modeling of game character behaviors. Wikipedia
Plot: Grand Ages: Rome is a 2009 city-building and real-time strategy game developed by Haemimont Games and published by Kalypso Media. It is the sequel to 2008's Imperium Romanum. The Italian and Spanish versions of the game are titled as Imperivm: Civitas III. Wikipedia
Plot: Imperivm: Great Battles of Rome is a sequel to RPG/RTS games Celtic Kings: Rage of War and Imperivm II: The Punic Wars. The game, released in May 2005, was developed by Haemimont together with FX Interactive. Wikipedia
Plot: Caesar IV is a city-building game set in ancient Rome, developed by Tilted Mill Entertainment. The game was released on September 26, 2006 in North America. The game features a three-dimensional game engine and individual modeling of game character behaviors. Wikipedia