Plot: Myth War Online was a 2D fantasy-themed MMORPG developed by Chinese studio Unigium and published by I.G.G.. It is set in a fictional universe inhabited by mythological creatures. Combat occurs similar to old RPG games such as Final Fantasy where a player forms a party and the sides take turns attacking...
Plot: Beyond Protocol was a subscription based Sci-Fi Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game Computer Game developed by the American independent game developer Dark Sky Entertainment and released in November 2008. The 3D game modelled a persistent and player-driven fictional galaxy. Wikipedia...
Plot: Glory of Fellowland is a warfare browser-based massively online game under the genre of strategy and fantasy game produced at Feeltainment Ltd. and was released in 2008. Its setting is in the period of Medieval Ages. The game is in eight languages. There are five races which are the human, dwarf, orc...