Plot: PlanetSide 2 is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online first-person shooter developed by Rogue Planet Games and published by Daybreak Games Company. Previously, it was developed and released in November 2012 by Sony Online Entertainment. It is a sequel of PlanetSide, which originally released...
Plot: Hearthstone is a free-to-play online digital collectible card game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Originally subtitled Heroes of Warcraft, Hearthstone builds upon the existing lore of the Warcraft series by using the same elements, characters, and relics. Wikipedia
Plot: AdVenture Capitalist is a free-to-play incremental video game developed and published by Hyper Hippo Productions. It was first released for browsers and Android in 2014, for iOS, Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux in 2015, and for PlayStation 4 in 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown NeoGeo Collection is an upcoming game collection developed by Digital Eclipse that will include all the six titles from the Samurai Shodown series originally released on Neo Geo arcade/console platform.