Plot: All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. is retool of Super Mario Bros., which was released for the Famicom in 1986. It is an officially licensed remake based on the Japanese radio program All Night Nippon. The show actually gave the game away as a raffle prize.
Plot: Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters is an educational game for the SNES and MS-DOS, teaching the basics of English to children. It released on MS-DOS in 1993 and SNES in 1994. It was the predecessor to Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers.
Plot: Yoshi's Cookie - Kuruppon Oven de Cookie is a Super Famicom video game released in 1993. Only 500 copies of the game were made. The title, a remake of Yoshi's Cookie, was released as a promotional item for Panasonic's Kuruppon Oven. This game was developed by National Human Electronics with Nintendo...
Plot: Kaettekita Mario Bros. is an upgraded release of Mario Bros., released on November 30, 1988 for the Famicom Computer System. It was only released in Japan, although there is 1993 European cartridge re-release that resembles it. It uses the same enemy sprites and colors featured in this game.