Plot: Hugo: Quest for the Sunstones, also known as Hugo 3D, is a 3D platform game in Hugo franchise developed and published by ITE Media for the PlayStation and PC in 2000. Wikipedia
Plot: Hugo: Black Diamond Fever is platform game in the Hugo franchise that was developed by ITE Media and published by Electronic Arts for the PC and PlayStation in 2001 as a sequel to Hugo: Quest for the Sunstones. Wikipedia
Plot: American Pool is a Sports simulation video game released for the PlayStation. The game offers three game modes. Training mode lets the players learn the controls and techniques of the game while playing in trickshot-style levels. Wikipedia
Plot: Hugo: The Evil Mirror is a 2002 video game in the Hugo franchise developed and published by ITE Media for the PC and PlayStation, and in a different version also for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and mobile phones. Wikipedia