Plot: Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver is a racing video game developed by Semi Logic Entertainments and published by Mattel Media for Microsoft Windows. It is based on the Hot Wheels toy franchise, and was released on October 15, 1998. A Game Boy Color version, developed by Lucky Chicken Games, was released...
Plot: Hot Wheels Micro Racers is a racing video game developed by Unique Development Studios and published by Mattel Interactive for Microsoft Windows. The game is based on the Hot Wheels toyline, and was unveiled at the American International Toy Fair in February 2000, as a competitor to Micro Machines....
Plot: Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge is a video game developed by Climax Racing and published by THQ. It was released in November 2004 for PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, and Microsoft Windows. It is the ninth installment in the Hot Wheels series of video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels Velocity X is a vehicular combat video game released in 2002 by Beyond Games. There are versions for the GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC, and Game Boy Advance. The game is based on the Hot Wheels toy automobiles. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels: World Race is a racing video game developed by Climax Brighton and published by THQ. The game is based on the television series Hot Wheels: World Race that was released by Hot Wheels and ... Wikipedia
Plot: Williams F1 Team Driver, also known as Hot Wheels: Williams F1 Team Driver or Hot Wheels: F1 Racer, is a racing video game developed by KnowWonder and published by THQ in late 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels: Beat That! is a racing video game released in September 2007 and based on the Hot Wheels toy line that was manufactured by Mattel. The game was developed by Eutechnyx and published by Activision. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels: Extreme Racing is a racing game for the PlayStation, released in 2001. It features vehicles based on the Hot Wheels series of toys. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing is a 2007 racing video game developed by Italian company Raylight Studios and published by DSI Games for the PlayStation Portable exclusively. The game is based on the Hot Wheels toy line which manufactured by Mattel. Wikipedia
Plot: Hot Wheels World's Best Driver is an arcade-style video game based on the Hot Wheels toyline by Mattel, developed by Firebrand Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It was released on September 17, 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and...
Plot: Hot Wheels Turbo Racing is a racing video game released for the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation in 1999. It features 40 cars based on the Hot Wheels series of toys. It also features Kyle Petty's 1999 NASCAR stock car, as it was sponsored by Hot Wheels. Wikipedia
Plot: Heretic II is a dark fantasy action-adventure game developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 1998 continuing the story of Corvus, the main character from its predecessor, Heretic. It is the fourth game in the Hexen: Beyond Heretic series and comes after the Serpent Rider trilogy. Wikipedia...
Plot: Colin McRae Rally 2.0 is a racing video game developed and published by Codemasters for PlayStation, Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Advance. Wikipedia
Plot: Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2 is a third-person shooter video game made by Ritual Entertainment in 2000. The sequel to the Heavy Metal 2000 animated film, the game stars Julie in her quest to save her home planet of Eden from GITH, an ancient entity seeking to conquer the universe. Wikipedia