Plot: Gooka is a 1997 Czech adventure video game developed and published by JRC Interactive. It is based on the novel Gooka a Dračí lidé, which was written under the name Richard D. Evans by Czechoslovak writer Vlado Ríša. Wikipedia
Plot: Dračí Historie is a 1995 DOS-based adventure game developed in the Czech Republic by NoSense. It was the first-ever Czech game to include dubbing and released on CD. The game was last updated in 2006. The dubbing was also translated into Polish and subtitles were translated into English and German...
Plot: Tajemství Oslího ostrova, English: Donkey Island, is a 1994 Czech point-and-click adventure video game. Distributed by Petr Vochozka through his company Vochozka Trading in June 1994, it was the first nationally distributed PC game in the country and one of the first Czech games commercially available...
Plot: DreamLand: Final Solution was a 1999 Czech adventure game developed and published by Top Galaxy. The game was released on three CDs and with a development price of approximately 10 million crowns, it was until then the most expensive and largest Czech video game. Wikipedia
Plot: 7 dní a 7 nocí is a 1994 Czech adventure game released on MS-DOS through Petr Vochozka's Vochozka Trading brand, and published by Pterodon Software. It was the first Czech video game to use Sound Blaster. Wikipedia
Plot: Gates of Skeldal is a Dungeon crawler role-playing video game. The 2D and 3D graphics combining game was developed by Czech studio Napoleon Games and published by JRC Interactive in 1998. In 2007 the game was made freeware, followed by the opening of the source code in 2008. Wikipedia