Plot: Horizon Chase Turbo is an arcade racing game released for the Nintendo Switch. The game has a retro aesthetic inspired by the 16-bit era. It first released in fall 2018 on the eShop with a limited retail release by PM Studios in summer 2019.
Plot: Horizon Chase - World Tour is a racing video game developed and published by Brazilian company Aquiris Game Studio. It was released on August 20, 2015, for iOS and Android. A 3D game, it touts the fact that it has a unique retro aesthetic inspired by 2D, 16-bit titles. Its soundtrack has Nintendocore...
Plot: The Lotus series consists of three racing computer games based around the Lotus brand: Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, and Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge. Published between 1990 and 1992 by Gremlin Graphics, the games gained very favourable reviews upon release. Wikipedia
Plot: Top Gear is a racing video game series published by Kemco. It began with Top Gear for the Super NES in 1992, and its most recent installment was RPM Tuning, published in 2004. Wikipedia