Plot: Hoshizora no Comic Garden is an otome game released by D3 Publisher for Nintendo DS on September 11, 2008, in both a standard and a limited edition. It has a CERO rating of B. An event titled Hoshizora no Comic Garden Oide yo! Wikipedia
Plot: Betty Boop's Double Shift is a puzzle game, developed and published by DSI Games. The game is based on the popular Betty Boop cartoon series. Wikipedia
Plot: Crayola Treasure Adventure is a video game based on the Crayola company line of crayons developed by Crave Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The player is a person lost on an island searching for treasure, with only a map and crayons. Wikipedia
Plot: Brain Assist or Touch de Uno DS is a puzzle video game released for the Nintendo DS in Japan, North America, and the PAL regions. Studies in the 1960s demonstrated the lateralization of brain function. Wikipedia
Plot: Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth Remix, also known as simply Hoshigami Remix, is a strategy RPG video game, for the Nintendo DS and is a remake of Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth for the Sony PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten DS, is a Kanji-English-Japanese dictionary based training software developed for the Nintendo DS and released on April 13, 2006. The software was developed by Nintendo's Software Development and Design division with assistance from Intelligent Systems. It was only released...
Plot: Hannah Montana: Music Jam was released on November 7, 2007 in North America and on May 29, 2008 in Europe. The game lets you create your own songs, make music videos, and show it to other players. Players are able to link Nintendo DS systems over short-range wireless to form live instrument bands.
Plot: Bubble Bobble Double Shot is a platform action game for the Nintendo DS, part of the Bubble Bobble series. It was released in Europe on March 23, 2007 and Australia on April 5, 2007 by Rising Star Games. It was released by Ignition Entertainment in North America on February 26, 2008. Wikipedia