Plot: Higurashi Daybreak is a Japanese dΕjin third person shooter developed by Twilight Frontier, first released on August 13, 2006 and is based on the popular visual novel Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. The game is Twilight Frontier's first attempt in making a 3D game. Wikipedia
Plot: Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage, originally released in Japan as Hokuto Musou, is a 3D beat 'em up for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developed and published by Tecmo Koei. It is a spin-off of the Dynasty Warriors series based on the manga franchise Fist of the North Star by Buronson and Tetsuo...
Plot: Ciconia When They Cry is an episodic visual novel game series in development by 07th Expansion, collectively considered the fifth entry in the When They Cry series, following Higurashi and Umineko. It follows people trying to prevent the outbreak of World War IV. Wikipedia