Plot: Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands is a shooter video game developed and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar CD in North America and Europe on October 23, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Battlemorph is a shooter video game developed by Attention to Detail and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar CD in North America and Europe on December 1995. It is the sequel to Cybermorph, a pack-in game for the Atari Jaguar that was originally released on November 23,...
Plot: Table Top Racing is racing video game developed and published by British studio Playrise Digital. The game was originally developed for iOS on January 31, 2013, and later released for Android devices on January 23, 2014. A PlayStation Vita version was released on August 5, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Battlemorph is a shooter video game developed by Attention to Detail and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar CD in North America and Europe on December 1995. It is the sequel to Cybermorph, a pack-in game for the Atari Jaguar that was originally released on November 23,...
Plot: Vid Grid is a tile-matching full motion video puzzle game originally developed by Geffen Records and published by Jasmine Multimedia Publishing for Windows on September 13, 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Iron Soldier 2 is an open world first-person mecha simulation video game developed by Eclipse Software Design and published by Telegames for the Atari Jaguar and Atari Jaguar CD on December 30, 1997. It is the sequel to Iron Soldier. Wikipedia
Plot: Hover Strike is a shooter video game developed and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar first in North America on April 1995, then in Europe on May of the same year and later in Japan around the same period, where it was published instead by Messe Sansao. Wikipedia
Plot: Club Drive is a racing video game developed and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar on November 28, 1994 and later in Japan by Mumin Corporation on March 24, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Fight for Life is a 1996 fighting video game developed and published by Atari Corporation in North America and Europe exclusively for the Atari Jaguar. Wikipedia
Plot: Ruiner Pinball is a pinball video game developed by High Voltage Software and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for Atari Jaguar in November 6, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Hover Strike is a shooter video game developed and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar first in North America on April 1995, then in Europe on May of the same year and later in Japan around the same period, where it was published instead by Messe Sansao. Wikipedia