Plot: Hex Frvr is a puzzle video game released in 2015, created by indie developer Chris Benjaminsen. The player is given an empty hexagon-shaped board, and must strategically place pieces on it to fill in lines of tiles. It started as a test, but unexpectedly went viral after Benjaminsen released it. Wikipedia...
Plot: Denki Blocks! is a puzzle video game developed by Denki and originally released in 2001 by Rage Games for Sky Gamestar and the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance. In the game, players manoeuvre different coloured blocks around a grid to join those of the same colour together. Wikipedia
Plot: Microsoft Ultimate Word Games is a word puzzle game published by Microsoft Studios, first released for Windows Phone as 'Wordament' on April 24, 2012. The game was relaunched in June 2017 with two new game modes, Crosswords and Jumble. Wikipedia
Plot: Free Rider HD is a platform racing browser game developed by Canadian studio Kano/Apps and Polish studio One More Level, with player-created levels. It was released on web browsers in 2014 and brought to mobile devices in 2017. Wikipedia