Plot: Nanosaur 2: Hatchling is a continuation of the original Nanosaur storyline. Nanosaur 2 is the first stereoscopic game released for the Mac. Wikipedia
Plot: Hysteria Project 2 is a 2011 FMV survival horror adventure game developed and published by French studio BulkyPix for iOS and first released on the App Store on January 27, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front is a 2010 World War II-era first-person shooter video game for iOS and Android, developed and published by Gameloft. It was released on the App Store on February 22, 2010. and is part of the Brothers in Arms series. Wikipedia
Plot: Asphalt 4: Elite Racing is a racing game published and developed by Gameloft. It was released on iOS and iPod on August 28, 2008; N-Gage on January 20, 2009; mobile phones in mid-July 2008; and DSiWare on July 6, 2009. This game marks the first game in the Asphalt series to be released for iOS. Wikipedia...