Plot: Brawl Busters was a free-to-play Online Multiplayer Action video game developed by Korean developer, SkeinGlobe, and published by Toronto-based publisher, Rock Hippo Productions, for the PC. The game was officially released on December 15, 2011, and the servers were closed on September 4, 2013. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tales Runner is a Massive multiplayer online game created by the South Korean company Rhaon Entertainment and published by Smilegate. It combines the genres of social, fantasy and racing games; players compete by running, jumping, dashing, skiing and climbing across different magical fairy tale settings...
Plot: ArchLord was a 3D fantasy MMORPG developed by NHN Corporation and Codemasters Online Gaming. The game was released in March 2005 in South Korea and October 2006 in North America and Europe, receiving poor reviews from the gaming press. Wikipedia
Plot: War Rock is a multiplayer first-person shooter made by the South Korean company, Dream Execution. The game is distributed as a free-to-play, a common form of freeware EULA and available through online downloading. Wikipedia
Plot: Firefall was a science fiction free-to-play massive multiplayer online open world shooter video game developed and released by Red 5 Studios in 2014. Officially announced in 2010, the game entered closed beta in 2011 and open beta in 2013. Wikipedia