Plot: Giana Sisters DS, also known on other handheld platforms as Giana Sisters, is a platform game developed by Spellbound Interactive in cooperation with Bitfield GmbH for the Nintendo DS, iPad, iPhone, and Android. It was published by DTP Entertainment in Europe and Destineer in North America. Wikipedia...
Plot: Grand Monster Slam is a computer game for the Amiga, Commodore 64, Atari ST and PC. It is somewhat based on the 1985 arcade game Penguin Wars. In Amiga Power's first All Time Top One Hundred in the inaugural 'Issue 0', it was declared to be the 100th best Amiga game of all time. Wikipedia
Plot: X-Out is a horizontally scrolling shooter with eight levels set underwater. It was released by Rainbow Arts in 1989 for the Commodore 64, and in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC. Wikipedia
Plot: The Great Giana Sisters is a 1987 platform game developed by German studio Time Warp Productions and published by Rainbow Arts. The scroll screen melody of the game was composed by Chris Huelsbeck and is a popular Commodore 64 soundtrack. Wikipedia
Plot: Z-Out is a horizontally scrolling shooter released for the Amiga and Atari ST by Rainbow Arts in 1990. It is the sequel to X-Out, adding two-player co-operative play. Wikipedia
Plot: Katakis is a horizontally scrolling shooter developed for the Commodore 64 by Rainbow Arts in 1987, and converted to the Amiga by Factor 5 in 1988. It was re-released as Denaris in 1989. The name Katakis has a Greek origin and was found in a phone book in Gütersloh, Germany. Wikipedia
Plot: Datastorm is a video game for the Amiga published by Visionary Design in 1989. Written by Søren Grønbech, it was inspired by the horizontally scrolling Defender arcade game and the Defender-like Dropzone originally released for the Atari 8-bit family. Wikipedia
Plot: Apidya is a horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up video game developed by German studio Kaiko and released by Play Byte in 1992 for the Amiga. It was Kaiko's second game developed. Despite being labelled II in the title it is not a sequel to any game, but has the digits placed there simply for a gag....
Plot: Mayhem in Monsterland is a 1993 platform game for the Commodore 64. Its titular hero, Mayhem, is a yellow triceratops blessed with the gift of speed. His goal is to return his world from sad to happy, ridding the world of monsters along the way. Wikipedia
Plot: Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a platform game developed by Black Forest Games for Microsoft Windows. It is the successor to the 1987 Commodore 64 title The Great Giana Sisters and sequel to the 2009 re-imagining Giana Sisters DS. Wikipedia