Plot: Cooking Mama 5: Bon Appétit!, released in Japan as Cooking Mama 5 and in Europe and Australia as Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit!, is the sequel to the Nintendo 3DS video game Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic and is the fifth installment to the Cooking Mama series, the second on the Nintendo 3DS. Wikipedia...
Plot: One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X is a Nintendo 3DS game published by Bandai and developed by Ganbarion, and it's the sequel to the Grand Battle! and Gigant Battle series. It seems to focus on the New World and more than 85 of its characters.
Plot: Gaist Crusher is an action video game developed by Treasure and published by Capcom. It was released for the Nintendo 3DS on December 5, 2013 in Japan. The game launched as a part of a cross-media franchise including manga adaptations in Shueisha magazines and an anime television adaptation by Pierrot...
Plot: Hero Bank is a role-playing video game developed and published by Sega for the Nintendo 3DS. It was released in Japan on March 20, 2014. A sequel, Hero Bank 2, was released in Japan on November 27, 2014. Wikipedia