Plot: Gundam Battle is a series of games made for the Sony PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita game consoles, all based on a similar game engine. Currently there are six games in the series. Wikipedia
Plot: Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next is the game in the Gundam VS video game series from the Namco Bandai Games, it is the sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam. Wikipedia
Plot: Kidō Senshi Gundam SEED Battle Destiny is a game of the Kidou Senshi Gundam series for the PlayStation Vita. As of June 2015, it has only been released in Japan. The game is a mech sim. The game was developed by Artdink and published by Bandai Namco Games. Wikipedia
Plot: Gundam: The Battle Master, later known as Battle Assault, is a series of fighting games released for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance. The series features mobile suits from several eras of the Gundam metaverse and some non-traditional fighting game elements. Wikipedia
Plot: Gundam: The Battle Master, later known as Battle Assault, is a series of fighting games released for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Advance. The series features mobile suits from several eras of the Gundam metaverse and some non-traditional fighting game elements. Wikipedia