Plot: Steel Beasts is the name for a family of tank simulators created by eSim Games for Microsoft Windows. Its subject is contemporary combined arms tactics at a company scale. As a consumer game, it is a genre mix of strategy game, action game, simulation game, and wargame of fairly complex gameplay. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tanki X was a client-based multiplayer online game in the arcade tank simulator genre. It was created on the Unity engine by AlternativaPlatform, a Russia-based game developing company. The game used the free-to-play business model, where players could download and play the game for free. Wikipedia
Plot: Dragon Lord, also known as Dragon's Breath, 1990 computer game for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS published by Palace Software and Spotlight Software. A fantasy-themed strategy game, players control one of three dragon lords competing to find the talisman. Wikipedia
Plot: My Lands is a browser-based multiplayer game in the genre of military-economic real-time strategy set in a fantasy world. The developers from the Elyland company promote My Lands as the very first browser MMOG. My Lands enjoys up to 200,000 active players and has been translated into over 20 languages...