Plot: The Adventures of Robby Roto! is a 1981 arcade game produced by Bally/Midway. In Robby Roto, the player digs through a dirt-filled maze collecting items while avoiding pursuing creatures. It is one of the few games made available to legally download on the official website of MAME, a video game emulator...
Plot: Tehkan Gridiron Fight is a one or two-player American football arcade video game released in 1985 by Tehkan. It was released in a cocktail cabinet form factor. Wikipedia
Plot: Lost Tomb is an overhead-view multidirectional shooter written by Dan Lee and released in arcades by Stern Electronics in 1982. Armed with a gun and whip, the player uses dual joystick controls to explore the chambers of a South American pyramid looking for treasure and fighting off mummies and other...
Plot: Acrobatic Dog-Fight is a multidirectional shooter released in arcades by Technos in 1984. The graphics and core gameplay are similar to 1982's more popular Time Pilot from Konami. Wikipedia