Plot: Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality is a virtual reality game compatible with HTC Vive, PlayStation VR and Oculus Rift developed by Owlchemy Labs and published by Adult Swim Games for Microsoft Windows on April 20, 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Beat Saber is a virtual reality rhythm game developed and published by Beat Games. It takes place in a surrealistic neon environment and features the player slicing blocks representing musical beats with a pair of contrasting-colored sabers. Wikipedia
Plot: Boneworks is a virtual reality game developed and published by Stress Level Zero. It was developed using the Unity engine and supports all PC-compatible VR headsets. It was released on Windows on December 10, 2019, sold on Steam. Wikipedia
Plot: Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives is a virtual reality simulation video game developed and published by Owlchemy Labs for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Oculus Quest in which players participate in comical approximations of real-world jobs. Wikipedia