Plot: Exzisus is a 1987 Horizontal scrolling shooter arcade game released by Taito Corporation, and published overseas by TAD Corporation. The player controls a giant robot that can transform into a space-ship or be accompanied by robotic animal helpers in an attempt to free four planets from a mechanical...
Plot: Mega Man, known as Rockman in Japan, is a Japanese science fiction video game franchise created by Capcom, starring a series of robot characters each known by the moniker Mega Man. Wikipedia
Plot: Great Swordsman is a 1984 fighting arcade game developed by Allumer and published by Taito. In 2005, it was later included in Taito Legends. Wikipedia
Plot: Darwin 4078 is an arcade game released by Data East in 1986. The game is a vertical scrolling shoot 'em up like Xevious, but as the title indicates, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is incorporated into the gameplay. Wikipedia
Plot: Metal Black is a 1991 scrolling shooter arcade video game originally developed and published by Taito. Set in the dystopian future of 2052, players assume the role of rogue pilot John Ford taking command of the CF-345 Black Fly space fighter craft to defeat the Nemesis alien race and save humanity....
Plot: Master of Weapon is a 1989 vertical-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published by Taito in Japan. It was ported to the Sega Mega Drive in 1990. Wikipedia