Plot: Genei Tougi: Shadow Struggle is a 1996 Japanese video game for the Sony PlayStation developed by Racdym and published by Banpresto. It is a fighting game featuring fully three dimensional characters and character designs by manga artist Ryōji Minagawa. Wikipedia
Plot: The Firemen 2: Pete & Danny is an action-adventure game developed by Human Entertainment and released for the PlayStation in 1995. It is a sequel to The Firemen. Wikipedia
Plot: Gungage is a third-person shooter video game for the PlayStation, created by Konami. It was released in Japan and Europe, but not in the U.S. The only plot presented at the beginning of the game is suddenly, at locations everywhere, beasts have begun to appear and attack people. Wikipedia
Plot: 70's Robot Anime Geppy-X is a 1999 Japanese video game released for the Sony PlayStation console. Developed and published by Aroma, it is a horizontally scrolling shooter set in a world that is an homage to mecha anime of the 1970s. Wikipedia
Plot: Imadoki no Vampire: Bloody Bride, is a PlayStation game published by Atlus Co. Ltd. Japan. Released in 1996 in Japan, it was never officially translated into English. Bloody Bride in essence is a dating simulation. You play as a young vampire who has reached adulthood. Wikipedia
Plot: Love & Destroy is a third-person shooter video game with dating sim elements co-developed by Arc Entertainment and Inti Creates. It was released by Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. for the PlayStation exclusively in Japan in 1999. Wikipedia