Plot: Commander in Chief, also known as Geo-Political Simulator, is a government simulation game that allows a player to simulate being a nation's head of government. Players have a large amount of control over their nation, although this varies based on the form of government the player's nation has. Wikipedia...
Plot: Masters of the World, also known as Geo-Political Simulator 3, is the third installment of the Geo-political simulator series. This government simulation game, like its predecessors, puts the player in the role of any nation's head of state or head of government. Wikipedia
Plot: Rulers of Nations, also known as Geo-Political-Simulator 2, is the second installment of the Geo-Political series. This government simulation game, like its predecessor, puts the player in the role of any nation's head of state. French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian versions of the game will...
Plot: SuperPower 2 is a real-time strategy wargame developed by Canadian based GolemLabs and published by DreamCatcher Interactive in 2004, following SuperPower. It was released between October 11 and November 19, 2004 in North America and Europe, respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: Supreme Ruler 2020 is a grand strategy wargame developed by BattleGoat Studios and published by Paradox Interactive. The game was released on June 17, 2008 and is a sequel to Supreme Ruler 2010. In the game, the player controls all aspects of a region's government attempts to unite a world of fragmented...