Plot: Famicom Bunko: Hajimari no Mori is a Pax Softnica developed video game released for the Super Famicom in July of 1999 exclusively in Japan. It was one of the last video games that the company developed. Nintendo published the game, and would rerelease it exclusively in Japan for the Wii's Virtual Console...
Plot: Sutte Hakkun is a 1997 action puzzle game featuring a character of the same name developed by Indieszero with Nintendo R&D2 and published by Nintendo for the Super Famicom's add-on, the Satellaview, datacasting on November 2, 1997, and three different updates involving new puzzles were released from...
Plot: Koutetsu no Kishi is a Japan-exclusive video game created by General Support which was originally released for the NEC PC-9801, and later ported for the Super Famicom. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Famicom Wars is an Intelligent Systems developed video game published by Nintendo that was released exclusively on the Super Famicom's Satellaview service starting in May of 1998. It was the only Nintendo Wars video game released on the console, and was never released in America or Europe.
Plot: Metal Slader Glory is an adventure game developed and published by HAL Laboratory and released for the Famicom in 1991. The game is set in 2062 after humans have colonized the Moon and established several space stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Ihatovo Monogatari is a 1993 adventure video game that was released exclusively in Japan. A fan translation group released an unofficial English translation patch for the game on December 28, 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Gourmet Sentai Barayarō is a surrealistic side-scrolling beat-'em-up developed by Winds and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment for the Super Famicom in 1995 only in Japan. On January 30, 2018, the game was re-released by BlazePro/ Piko Interactive. Wikipedia