Plot: Shogun Warriors, known in Japan as Fujiyama Buster, is a 1992 fighting arcade game developed by Atop and Kaneko and published in Japan by Sammy Corporation and published in North America and Europe by Kaneko. Wikipedia
Plot: The Berlin Wall is a 1-2 player platform arcade game released by Kaneko in 1991; two years after the fall of the actual Berlin Wall. A wall was made post-WWII, separating the country of Germany. However, the people of Germany despised it and now the player gets to destroy it. Wikipedia
Plot: DJ Boy is a 1989 beat 'em up arcade game developed by Kaneko. It was published in Japan by Kaneko and in North America by Sammy. DJ Boy, also known as DJ Kid, was designed as a standard side-scrolling beat'em up game partially based on the hip hop culture of the U.S. cities. Wikipedia