Plot: Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World, known in Japan as Teke! Teke! Asmik-kun World is a Game Boy video game from Asmik copyrighted in 1989; Asmik of America Corp. copyrighted its version in 1990. The game's direct sequel, Asmik-kun World 2, was never released outside Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Asmik-kun Land is a Famicom game published by Asmik in 1991. A pink dinosaur named Asmik-kun seeks to recover six fragments so he can wake the dragon ruler of the world and make Asmik Land a paradise. Wikipedia
Plot: BATTLE PINGPONG is a Japanese table tennis video game developed and published by Quest for the Game Boy exclusively in Japan. It was released in Japan on August 31, 1990 and never saw a release in another territory, although the game was going to be published by Sammy in America. Wikipedia
Plot: Astro Rabby is a 1990 action video game published by Information Global Service for the original Game Boy exclusively in Japan on October 12, 1990. It is the first Game Boy title to be published by that company. Wikipedia
Plot: Panel Action Bingo is a Game Boy action/adventure video game developed by Japanese studio Locus where the player controls a bird. It was released in November 1993 to an exclusively North American market. Wikipedia