Plot: Navy Field 2 is the second game of the Navy Field Franchise, developed by South Korean studio SDEnterNET. Navy Field is a MMORTS themed game that takes place during the World War I and World War II eras. Like the name suggests, Navy Field 2 is a naval warfare game. Wikipedia
Plot: Naval War: Arctic Circle is a real time naval strategy game developed by Norwegian development company Turbo Tape Games and published by Swedish video game publisher Paradox Interactive. It was released on April 10, 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Battleship is the name of two video games based on the film of the same name, both of them published by Activision in 2012. It was released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo 3DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Pacific Storm is a Pacific War-themed real-time strategy game developed by Lesta Studio and released by Buka Entertainment in 2005. A Western version was released by CDV Software in 2006. Wikipedia